Have you been eyeing SCCA®’s Oct. 20-22, 2023, United States RoadRally Challenge® (USRRC) but have yet to click the register button because you don’t think you have the experience to run at that level? Have you heard of the Regional LITE RoadRallies that will be running alongside this year’s USRRC, offering three days of RoadRally challenges and adventure without the pressure of National competition? If you entered, will your driver or navigator (or both) be women? Could a $500 scholarship make your experience better? If the answer to all those questions is “yes,” we have a deal for you: SCCA Women on Track is offering three $500 scholarships to aid teams in their USRRC weekend adventure.
This year’s USRRC will be hosted by Philadelphia and South Jersey Regions, with the events being a nice mix of Tour and Course rallies utilizing the Richta GPS app for scoring – meaning you needn’t have more than a data-enabled phone or tablet to be well equipped for this year’s USRRC. But new to the 2023 USRRC is the introduction of the Regional LITE, where each Rallymaster will provide the same route, yet with a different set of route instructions to navigate the course.
That’s not to say the three Regional LITE RoadRallies that run alongside the National point-earning USRRC will be easy, but they are designed to offer fun and competition for those new (or new-ish) to the sport.
Back to the SCCA Women on Track USRRC Scholarships – there’s some fine print here for those looking to apply. First, you must compete in all three days of the Oct. 20-22, 2023, competition to be considered for the scholarship. Next, scholarships will be paid to pre-approved recipients after the event has taken place. Also, no later than seven days after the event concludes, a writeup with photos must be supplied to SCCA Women on Track for use on SCCA.com, RReNews, and social media (don’t worry too much about this part – you take cell phone photos and SCCA can help you with the writing). Finally, you don’t need to be an SCCA member to apply for this scholarship. And here’s something else to keep in mind: While this scholarship is intended for Regional LITE competitors, there is an exception: A team with a female driver or navigator (or both) entering the three events in the 2023 National USRRC may apply for the scholarship should they have finished outside the top six positions in any year-end National Championship Class Standings in the last three years (2020-’22).
The deadline to apply is Sept. 26, with the scholarships announced on Sept. 28.
You can find out all of the information about this year’s USRRC and Regional LITE by clicking here. Then click the “Apply Now” button below for more details on how to apply for one of the three $500 SCCA Women on Track USRRC scholarships.
About SCCA Foundation
Funding for SCCA Women on Track initiatives comes from the SCCA Foundation, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization whose mission is to support the Sports Car Club of America by providing inclusive opportunities for motorsports competition, safety, education, and historical preservation through such programs as Tire Rack Street Survival, VETMotorsports, SCCA Women on Track, SCCA Archives, and more.
The SCCA Foundation is currently accepting donations earmarked for SCCA Women on Track and for its other initiatives. Head to the SCCA Foundation’s website to discover more about the not-for-profit charitable organization, along with how you can earmark donations for the program of your choice.
Photo by Philip Royle / Staff