Contact SCCA

Mailing Address

6620 SE Dwight St.
Topeka, KS 66619 

Telephone Numbers

Toll Free: 1-800-770-2055
Local: 785-357-7222
Facsimile: 785-232-7213

For address changes, please update your address in the Member Account Portal  or send your updated information along with your member number to:

Note: When sending an email, please include your full name, e-mail address and telephone number (as an alternate method of contacting you) in the body of your message to ensure a prompt response.

Membership Concerns

Information about Membership Concerns can be found in the Filing Cabinet on the SCCA Member Account Portal, or by using the links below.  

Sanction & Insurance

For sanction & insurance requests, post-event audit and event paperwork, please send requests to

SCCA Sanction
P.O. Box 1833
Topeka, KS  66601

Website Issues



Mike Cobb President and Chief Executive Officer
Mary Hill Executive Assistant

Business Operations

Jeff Dahnert Senior Director, Business Operations 
Finance General Inquiries
Phyllis Wells Manager, Accounting & Human Resources
Amanda Forbach Specialist, Accounting 
Member Services General Inquiries
Aimee Thoennes Director, Member Services
CherriLea Roduner Specialist Lead, Customer Service 
Kathy Cowen Senior Administrator, Membership 
Janice Pageler Administrator, Program & Member Services 
Program Services  
Deanna Flanagan  Director, Program Services (outgoing Director, Road Racing)
Sanctioning General Inquiries
(Sanction & insurance requests, post-event audit and event paperwork)
Jamie Mullin Manager, Sanction and Insurance
Rachel Smelter Assistant, Sanction and Insurance 
Information Technology
John Bauer Senior Manager, Information Technology
Vance Jurgens Administrator, Technology 

Region Services

Region Development General Inquiries
Chris Robbins Director, Region Development
Abby Scher Manager, Region Communication, Training and Events 

Marketing & Communications 

Marketing & Communications General Inquiries
Kristen Poole Director, Marketing and Communications
Philip Royle Senior Manager, Content 
Andie Albin Manager, Multi-Channel Marketing 
Blair Deffenbaugh Manager, Multi-Channel Marketing
Lee Grimes Manager, Partner Relations
Brandy Wiggans Manager, Marketing Services & Communications, Contingency Programs 
Langlee King Coordinator, Social Media


Road Racing
General Road Race Inquiries
Eric Prill Vice President, Road Racing
Jeff Barrow Director, Road Racing
Jon Krolewicz Sr. Manager, Regional Track Program Development
Scott Schmidt Technical Manager, Road Racing 
Scott Dobler Assistant Technical Manager, Road Racing 
Cory Leon Assistant Manager/Senior Administrator, Road Racing
Rally/Solo & Experiential (Track & Time Trials)
Heyward Wagner Senior Director, Rally/Solo and Experiential Programs
Jennifer McAbee Senior Manager, Experiential Programs
Nikki Edwards Communications Coordinator, Solo/Experiential Programs 
Rally/Solo General Inquiries
Rick Myers Director, Rally/Solo
Brian Mason Manager, National Solo Series 
Andrew Benagh Solo Administrative Manager
Time Trials General Inquiries
John Hunter Manager, National Time Trials 
Track Night in America General Inquiries
Justin Barbry Manager, Track Night in America 


The contact information for the SCCA Board of Directors can found here

For information on SCCA Board of Directors Elections, please contact Mary Hill.


Questions & Comments