Off-Track & Trackside with SCCA

While much of the attention at an SCCA Road Race may be on the colorful, curb-hopping, tire-smoking action on the racetrack, at each event there are dozens of SCCA members acting as motorsports artisans crafting the experience to make sure races run smoothly and safely.

The SCCA members who operate in registration, the control tower, technical inspection and on the corners are crucial to the successful organization and execution of events – making them just as much a part of the SCCA as those who strap into the cars.

Once the action on track is done for the day, merriment often ensues around campfires, tailgates and common areas where stories are told of the days events from the perspective of an "interactive spectator." 

If you’re thinking about being a part of the SCCA family by joining the action trackside, read the descriptions below and see which fits you the best.

Corner Marshal

The eyes of the drivers and officials for those things they can’t see. Known as "flagging and communications," these marshals are an additional set of eyes for drivers and stewards, helping with accident response, and reporting what's happening on track by making radio calls.

In addition to being a keystone in this important role at SCCA events, IndyCar, IMSA, NASCAR and F1 also use SCCA flagging and communication officials and you can frequently find SCCA members stationed on corner at events like the 24 Hours of Daytona the US Grand Prix, the Canadian Grand Prix, and the 24 Hours of Le Mans.


Some of the most critical and celebrated moments of a race are starts, restarts, and the famous checkered flag. Before a driver can hear, “GREEN! GREEN! GREEN!” over the radio or drive under the checkered flag, it's the starter making sure it can happen. 


These SCCA officials help drivers line up, be sure they are ready to go, and let them know how long it is before they start their session or race. They are up close with with cars and people and the final step before drivers take to the track.


These officials are like referees. They're responsible for keeping the event on schedule, making sure the rules are followed both on- and off-track, and calling the shots if something at the event goes a little sideways. 

Technical Inspection and Scrutineering

Other than the drivers and crew, these SCCA members are the most hands on with the cars. "Tech" inspectors know and understand cars and rules, particularly when it comes to safety.

Before the races, tech inspectors check over cars and driver gear making sure each are ready for a weekend of fast action. After incidents, they inspect cars to see what needs to be repaired, and after each race they help inspect top finishing cars to make sure they are compliant with class rules.


Those who lend a hand at registration are the ambassadors to SCCA events. "Registrars" make sure entry lists are ready to go before the event, and are the first smiling face people see at the track, helping welcome the rest of their SCCA family to the facility by making sure they get signed in and receive the proper credentials.

Timing & Scoring

No one can set a lap record, sit on the pole or win a race without someone there to time cars, count laps and score finishes. Only a few years ago this was done with timing lights, pencil and paper – now the equipment is more computer and transponder based. Whether you're computer savvy or not - there is a place for you in the timing and scoring tower.

...and many, many more.

Along with the ones mentioned above, there are many more officials in action at SCCA events. Paddock Marshals, Race Chairs, Course Marshals, Sound Control, Medical officers and more - all pitching in to ensure a safe and smooth event. If there is a person needed at a track, SCCA has a place and is your door to the motorsports world.

To get started - find an event and contact the organizers. It's that easy.

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