SCCA Regional Road Racing

For the local racer, regional racing provides them with the opportunity to race wheel-to-wheel with their area’s best without traveling across the country. Full of friendly competition, these events are a great place to discover road racing and get started in the sport. Regions often group together to form divisional points championships as well, giving racers a shot at a championship without traveling too far.

Find your region to get started in regional events, or keep reading below for more information.

View Regional Class Participation below:


Archives: 2023202220212020 - 2019201820172016 - 2015 - 2014 - 2013 - 2012 - 2011 - 2010 - 2009 - 2008 - 2007
*Why have the numbers changed so much? The method by which Regional participation is counted has changed over the years.  For example:  In 2007, participation was counted for each regional sanction numbered issued for a weekend. If there were 4 regional sanction numbers on a single weekend and a driver participated in all regional sanctioned races, he/she would be counted 4 times.   The current method provides 1 regional sanction number per weekend, regardless of the number of races during that weekend.  Each unique driver per class is only counted once per weekend.

SCCA Divisional Championships

The SCCA Divisions themselves determine the criteria to award Division Championship honors to best meet the needs of the participants within their geographic area.  

2024 Qualification Criteria

There is a Divisional Runoffs path for 2024, though not every division has one.  If the Region below is blue text, they have submitted their 2024 plan.  Minimum requirements are for a driver in a Runoffs eligible class to participate in four eligible divisional championship weekends and finish in the top three (top five for SRF3 and SM) in the final standings may earn an invitation to the Runoffs.  

For more information about each Divisional Championships criteria you may contact the designated person below or click on the Division name (if blue) for their Rules:

Central Division                     Cara Kazda            (608) 205-7324
Great Lakes Division             Christie Graham    (513) 658-4677 
Midwest Division                    Rocky Entriken      (785) 827-5143
Northeast Division                 Chris Mosley          (973) 723-8069  
Northern Pacific Division      Kathie Reisinger    (415) 606-5604 
Rocky Mountain Division      Mark Miller             (719)371-0929
Southeast Division                Jim Creighton         (404) 875-4174 
Southern Pacific Division     Chuck Phillips        (714) 474-4047 
Southwest Division               Randall Smart       (281) 334-5153,


Upcoming Regional Road Racing Events