In motorsports, everyone benefits when there are more people involved. From a competition standpoint, that means more drivers pushing you to be better; on the organizational side, more hands doing the lifting results in better (and more fun) events. SCCA Women on Track’s mission aligns perfectly with this philosophy, with the initiative driving to expand participation of women in all facets of the Sports Car Club of America® as participants, volunteers, leaders, and supporters. And right now, there are several SCCA Women on Track opportunities available in the form of scholarships and leadership roles.
But first, let’s look at what Women on Track has been up to during the 2024 season.
SCCA Women on Track’s Solo® Mentorship Initiative has been especially successful this year. This initiative awards one female driver during each Tire Rack SCCA ProSolo Series and Solo National Tour event the opportunity for one-on-one coaching with a top-tier driver from the sport, with many women benefiting from this program. There’s also the Pay It Forward award that empowers a female driver to give a free entry to a first-time National Solo competitor, and was used by a new competitor during the Tire Rack SCCA New Jersey ProSolo at New Meadowlands Sports Complex in May.
Women on Track is also presenting 14 scholarships this year, running the gamut from road racing to autocross, RallyCross, RoadRally, volunteering, and more.
Leadership Opportunities Available
SCCA Women on Track is comprised of a leadership team overseeing a committee of women representing each program area of the SCCA, and there are currently two openings on the Women on Track Executive Committee representing the RoadRally and RallyCross programs.
The selected individuals will serve as chair of the program committee and report on initiatives by serving on the Women on Track Executive Committee as a representative of the program.
Applications for these positions can be submitted by clicking this link.
Apply Now: Scholarships
Women on Track is still accepting applications for two of this year’s 14 scholarships.
Runoffs Volunteer Scholarship
The Runoffs Volunteer Scholarship will present two women with $500 scholarships each to assist in their travel to the SCCA National Championship Runoffs, which will be held at Road America in Elkhart Lake, WI, on Oct. 1-6, 2024.
Those interested in this scholarship should apply by clicking this link.
RoadRally Scholarship
The RoadRally Scholarship will supply two women with $500 each to help with their costs associated with attending the 2024 United States RoadRally Challenge (USRRC). The 2024 USRRC will be hosted by Cal Club Region in Palmdale, CA, during the Veterans Day weekend in November.
Follow this link to apply for the Women on Track RoadRally Scholarship.
Photo by Jon Krolewicz