This award shall be presented annually by the RallyCross Board to recognize an individual that has made an extraordinary contribution to the sport of SCCA RallyCross. This award shall normally recognize contributions over time. The award recipient can make their contribution as a competitor, organizer, worker, administrator, etc. The contribution of the winner shall have had a positive impact on the program nationwide.

2010 - Scott Beliveau
2011 - Jerry Doctor
2012 - Charles Wright
2013 - Ken Cashion
2014 - Pego Mack
2015 - Bob Ricker
2016 - Warren Elliott
2017 - Jim Rowland
2018 - Ron Foley
2019 - Leon Drake
2020 - Jon Olschewski
2021 - Steve Hyatt
2022 - Keith Lightfoot
2023 - Ed Trudeau

This award is presented for an outstanding effort in either competing in or organizing the RallyCross National Championships. Whether it is overcoming adversity to compete or being an official whose effort made the event better for all, the award winner will have shown a dedication to RallyCross Championships. A three-member panel of the 3 previous winners select the winner. 

2013 - Leon Drake
2014 - Chang Ho Kim
2015 - Ron Foley
2016 - Janis Dancis
2017 - John W England
2018 - Sean Grogan
2019 - Christian Jorgensen & Neal Jaycox
2020 - Brian Tefft Jr.
2021 - Warren Elliott & Hal Denham
2022 - Jon Olschewski
2023 - Rick Myers

This award is presented to any driver that wins a regional event, wins a National Challenge, and wins a National Championship in a single class.

Jan Gerber
Will MacDonald
Warren Elliott

Michael Caldwell
Leon Drake
Chang Ho Kim
Charles Wright

Jake Blevins
Patryk Matecki
Charles Wright

Donald Carl
John Lambert

Chang Kim
Bryan Rodgers

Mark Macoubrie
Bret Hunter

Chang Ho Kim
Myles Goertz
Brianne Corn
Leon Drake

Will Geyer
Josh Armantrout
Mark Hill
Brianne Corn

Josh Armantrout
Robert Seelig
Shawn Roberts
Mark Hill
ZB Lorenc
Austin Dowda

Shawn Roberts
Mark Hill

For an outstanding effort in promoting and publicizing RallyCross using multimedia to further the recognition and growth of RallyCross. This can be given to an individual, region or division. 

2013 - Colorado RallyCross
2014 - Rupert Berrington
2015 - Mark Macoubrie
2016 - Jim Rowland
2017 - Northwest Rally Association
2018 - Leon Drake
2019 - Jon Seaton
2020 - Forrest Chattin
2021 - John England
2022 - Rupert Berrington & Jon Olschewski
2023 - Clinton Padilla

This award is presented in recognition of a Division’s activities in RallyCross for a new or on-going program. This may include events, promotions, attendance, innovation in public relations, etc. Nominations clearly indicating the qualifying details may be made by any Rally participant, with the recipient being selected by the RallyCross Board.

2006 - Southeast Division
2007 - Northeast Division
2008 - Midwest Division
2009 - Rocky Mountain Division
2010 - Great Lakes Division
2011 - Midwest Division
2012 - Southern Pacific Division
2013 - Southeast Division
2014 - Southeast Division
2015 - Northern Pacific Division
2016 - Northern Pacific Division
2017 - Northeast Division
2018 - Midwest Division
2019 - Central Division
2020 - Great Lakes Division
2021 - Southern Pacific Division
2022 - Southeast Division
2023 - Southern Pacific Division

This award is presented in recognition of a Region’s activities in RallyCross for a new or on-going program. This may include events, promotions, attendance, innovation in public relations, event participation, etc. Nominations clearly indicating the qualifying details may be made by any Rally participant, with the recipient being selected by the RallyCross Board.

2006 - Oregon Region
2007 - Florida Region
2008 - Colorado Region
2009 - New England Region
2010 - Alabama Region
2011 - New England Region
2012 - Delta Region
2013 - Washington DC Region
2014 - Tennessee Valley Region
2015 - Blue Mountain Region
2016 - Iowa Region
2017 - Hawaii Region
2018 - St. Louis Region
2019 - Atlanta Region
2020 - Milwaukee Region
2021 - Ohio Valley Region
2022 - New England Region
2023 - Tennessee Valley Region