Date: August 31, 2024
Location: Lincoln Airpark
Address: 3401 W Luke ST, Lincoln, NE, 68524-2060

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2024 CAM/XS Invitational Shootout Event Results


Final Cap 80
Registration Opens July 24 @3:00 pm Central
Registration Closes August 28 @3:00 pm Central
Online Entry

CAM Drivers: $50

Xtreme Street Drivers (A/B/U): $50

Event Information

CAM/XS Invitational Shootout takes place over a single day of competition using a modified version of the SCCA Solo Nationals Test N Tune course. 

Event Schedule

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Course Open for Walking              7:00am-7:45am
CAM/XS Invitational Shootout Registration  7:15am-8:00am
Driver's Meeting 8:00am
CAM/XS Invitational Shootout Competition 8:30am-2:30pm
Trophies will be handed out immediately following competition


Site Location

Set the Intersection function on your GPS
Lincoln Air Park
W Mathis St & NW 36th St
Lincoln, NE 68524
Enter site at Gate 41
Competition will take place on a modified version of the Solo Nationals Test N Tune Course

Google Maps Link

Site Restrictions

Camping is allowed on site
Gate access begins on Friday, August 30 at 8:00 am Central. 

A. GENERAL RULES: This event is held under the SCCA Solo Rules plus the rules and procedures found on this event page, using all Open and Ladies CAM and Xtreme Street classes, as defined by the 2024 Solo Rules. All class changes must be approved by the Event Chair or their designee once check-in closes (after 8am Saturday morning).

B. COURSE WALKS: Courses will be open for walking at the following times. See Event Specific communications for more detail or specific days if the event is a multi-event weekend.

Saturday: 7:00 am – 7:45 am

C. SCALES:  Scales will not be available for this event. Should you wish to utilize the scales, please refer to ProSolo Finale and Solo National Championship schedules for available times throughout Championship Week.


  1. A speed limit of 12 MPH will be enforced at the event site including pre-grid and grid. Tire spins, rapid speed or direction changes, or other "abnormal/unusual" driving techniques are strictly prohibited throughout the event site, other than during competition. See Event Chairman for questions or problems.
  2. Drivers are responsible for the actions of their crew and guests.
  3. Photographers desiring to enter a course area must be approved by the course Safety Steward and be accompanied by a spotter. A minor may not serve as a spotter.
  4. The operation of motorized vehicles, whether gas or electric powered, such as but not limited to, golf carts and other personal transportation vehicles, is limited to persons who can present a valid driver’s license.
  5. Pylons, tape, and/or other barriers will define "No Parking" areas near the course. Cars parked in such a manner that block or restrict defined driveways or entrances to course areas will be towed away without notice, at the expense of the vehicle operator/owner.
  6. Skateboards, hoverboards, Segways, bicycles, scooters and similar conveyances may not be ridden in the Grid area.
  7. All incidents involving injury and/or property damage occurring on the event site or felt associated with the event will be reported as soon as possible to the Event Chairman or Chief Safety Steward.


  1. Drivers will be split into two heats for Class competition in the morning. Class competition will consist of four runs.
  2. There will be a brief break at the conclusion of Class competition. Challenge brackets will be set at this time.
  3. A maximum of the top 16 cars from each Class will be eligible for the Challenge rounds. The number of cars eligible for the Challenge is determined by the number of cars in the Class.
    1. 20+ cars in Class - 16 car Shootout
    2. 12-19 cars in Class - 8 car Shootout
    3. 1-11 cars in Class - 4 car Shootout
    4. If enough drivers drop from the Challenges to drop Class numbers into the lower tier, the number of drivers in the Challenges will be adjusted accordingly.
  4. Grid spots will be assigned at Check-In. Therefore, drivers are to position their cars in grid as assigned. If the car is not in their specified grid position when the first car of the heat is instructed to the start line, they may lose a run/or runs depending on arrival time to grid. 
  5. All drivers will be assigned a "home" space number for grid purposes where they may leave any necessary equipment. After each run, all drivers will return to their "home." Do not block the access lanes between spaces. Dual Drivers will have the same grid position.
  6. No competitor shall take a second run until after all drivers in their class have completed their first run. After the completion of each run, vehicles must return directly to the grid. Vehicles are not permitted to depart the grid area for service.
  7. A minimum of five minutes must have elapsed between runs for any car. This includes reruns or runs for another driver of the same car. A grid marshal will be specifically assigned to handle two-driver cars and will keep a time log to assure compliance with the five-minute minimum between runs. The time shall be measured from the time the car returns to grid until the time it leaves grid for the start line.
  8. Drivers must proceed from the grid to the start line when so directed by a grid official, or that run will be scored as a DSQ if a mechanical is not called before reaching the start beam.


  1. The best time for competitors during their four morning runs will be used to determine Challenge Qualifying. Each CAM class will run heads-up through their brackets, Xtreme Street competitors will have their time indexed for their Challenge runs.
  2. Drivers will be able to make two timed runs in their First Round, with the fastest run being the scored run. All subsequent rounds will consist of one timed run.
  3. In the XS Challenge, the top driver on Index will be declared the winner.
  4. In the CAM Shootout, the winners from the CAM Challenges will meet for one timed run. The driver with the fastest time on Index will be declared the winner. 
  5. Cars will compete in the Challenges with the same tires they used to qualify during their morning runs.
    1. Cording or damage beyond driver's control are the exceptions for changing tires (approval for tire changes is made by the SCCA team on a case-by-case basis).
    2. The SCCA Team can call a "Rain Event" for the purpose of allowing tire changes before or during the Challenge. 
  6. Challenge competition is based on a two-driver, head-to-head match-up running on the same course as class competition.
  7. In the event of a tie, the round will be re-run.
  8. Refueling of the vehicle in Grid is permitted. A fire extinguisher must be present while refueling.
  9. If a vehicle breaks during the Challenge, the driver may only jump into another vehicle within the impound that is eligible for their class and must use the same tires on which said vehicle completed the class competition. Any car change must be approved by the SCCA Team.
  10. Mechanicals during the Challenges must be called before the completion of the prior pairing's runs (You CANNOT wait until your pairing to call a mechanical). Only ONE mechanical can be called per driver during the Challenge. Mechanical time during the Challenges is six minutes.
  11. Communication with the driver during a Challenge round is prohibited.
  12. Time between two-driver teams is three minutes minimum, starting at the return to grid for the first driver.


  1. Tech will confirm vehicle identification (Solo Rule 3.7) and helmet barcodes are compliant. The vehicle will not pass tech if not compliant.
  2. Competitors at the start line with the wrong number on their car, 2 sets of numbers, or the incorrect class showing will receive a warning for the first offense, a cone penalty for the second offense, and may receive a DSQ for three or more offenses at the same event.
  3. Competitors at the scanner with more than one (1) barcode showing on the helmet will receive a warning for the first offense, a cone penalty for the second offense and may receive a DSQ for three or more offenses at the same event.
  4. A driver at the scanner or the start line without the appropriate helmet decal (Solo 2025) will be directed away from the start and lose the run.

H. PROTESTS: Refer to Solo Rules Section 8, except where amended below.

  1. Drivers may protest drivers in another class.
  2. The protest fee is $100. The time limit for submitting a protest against a car is 15 minutes after the conclusion of the Day 2 morning runs. Protests may be accepted later (fee doubled) if the protester can clearly demonstrate that evidence pertinent to the protest was not available within the time limit.
  3. The Event Lead is the chairman of the Protest Committee. The remainder of the Committee will be appointed as needed.
  4. If a protest cannot be resolved prior to running the Challenges, the car/driver(s) will be allowed to run their Challenge under probation. If the car is subsequently found non-compliant, that car/driver's results may be voided depending on the penalty assessed, and the results of the Challenge will only be adjusted as is possible.
  5. If a car is protested, found non-compliant, and the decision is appealed, the car/driver(s) will be allowed to complete in their Challenge under probation if the car is brought into compliance.
  6. If a car is protested, found compliant, and the decision is appealed, the car/driver(s) will be allowed to compete in their Challenge under probation
  7. Under no circumstances will a protest or appeal be allowed to substantially delay the running of the Challenge competitions.
  8. The Protest Committee will oversee accepting protests, making inspections, taking measurements, determining legality, and making a penalty determination.
  9. The SCCA Senior Director of Rally/Solo may assess further penalties later.

I. APPEALS: Refer to Solo Rules Section 10, except where amended below.

  1. The decision of the Protest Committee may be appealed to the SCCA Solo Appeals Committee, depending on the nature of the protest and penalty. Written notice of intent to appeal signed by the appellant, specifying the grounds for appeal and including an appeal fee of $200, must be received by the Event Lead within one hour after the announcement of the Protest Committee decision. The appeal and any supporting evidence must be received by the Event Lead within seven days. An Appeals Committee will be named by the Senior Director of Rally/Solo depending on the nature of the original protest.
  2. The decision of the Appeals Committee will be final. The decision on the appeal shall be in writing and specify the disposition of the appeal fee. If the appeal is not upheld, the appeal fee will be forfeited. If the appeal is upheld, the appeal fee minus $75.00 will be returned.

J. COURSE MARKERS: Refer to Solo Rules, Rule 7.9

K. RESULTS: Provisional results will be posted in impound after completion of all runs for the heat. Results will be final 30 minutes after provisional results are posted. Check final results to make sure the manufacturer is correct for your car and tire brand. Official results will be available on the event page at

L. TROPHIES AND AWARDS: Challenge trophies will be awarded after competition is complete. They will not be mailed. If you leave the event early, appoint someone to receive your award.

M. EVENT SCHEDULE: Actual schedule may deviate from the published schedule due to unforeseen circumstances during the event. It is the driver’s responsibility to listen to any announcements and pay attention to activity on course.

Live timing can be found at

Registration Requirement

You must be an SCCA member in good standing to participate. If you are not currently an SCCA member, please visit the SCCA member portal to join or renew.

Refer to Solo Rules 4.2 and 4.1.A

B. ANNUAL SCCA WAIVERS: It is highly recommended that you complete your annual waiver ahead of the event. Once completed, your annual waiver will show as a designation on the back of your membership card and is valid for the calendar year. This can then be shown at the waiver station instead of signing the SCCA waiver, both at regional and national level events. Instructions for completing your annual waiver can be found here. Armbands are still to be worn during the event to indicate that you have completed the waiver.

C. CHANGES TO YOUR REGISTRATION: If you have changes to any of your registration information and online registration is still open – go ahead and make changes in the MotorsportReg system. This will automatically correct the information that goes into the event file and will help shorten the lines at event check-in. If you need to make a change after online registration closes but before on-site check-in opens, email Tracy Lewis at

D. DRIVER MEETING NOTES: There will be a drivers’ meeting on Saturday morning. Changes to the event details and other items of information as well as the names of all event officials will be included in the material provided on the event page at IT IS A COMPETITOR’S RESPONSIBILITY TO CHECK THE EVENT PAGE AT SCCA.COM FOR CHANGES TO THE SUPPLEMENTAL REGULATIONS.


  1. Tech will confirm vehicle identification (Solo Rule 3.7) and helmet barcodes are compliant. The vehicle will not pass tech if not compliant.
  2. Competitors at the start line with the wrong number on their car, 2 sets of numbers, or the incorrect class showing will receive a warning for the first offense, a cone penalty for the second offense, and may receive a DSQ for three or more offenses at the same event.
  3. Competitors at the scanner with more than one (1) barcode showing on the helmet will receive a warning for the first offense, a cone penalty for the second offense and may receive a DSQ for three or more offenses at the same event.
  4. A driver at the scanner or the start line without the appropriate helmet decal (Solo 2025) will be directed away from the start and lose the run.


Early work assignments that offset a normal work assignment must be pre-approved by the Event Chairman and/or staff. These assignments must be extremely limited to prevent loss of critical support during the event. Serving as a volunteer prior to the event is greatly appreciated and a key element in the success of this event. However, this does not automatically offset a normal work assignment.

G. WORKER MEETING NOTES: Workers will report to the Worker Check-In person to check in for work. First heat workers will report 15 minutes prior to the start of the event. Failure to report on time could result in an additional work assignment after the finish of the last heat on that day. Not complying with these rules will result in disqualification.

It is possible that your work assignment within your heat may have changed due to cancellations or class changes.

It is your responsibility to know when you should report for your work assignment.

A. VEHICLE ELIGIBILITY: Competition is open to all vehicles conforming to the Open and Ladies National classes and National Supplemental classes, as defined by the 2024 Solo Rules. CAM/Xtreme Street Rules can be found here.


  1. The Tire Rack® is the title sponsor for all 2024 SCCA® National Solo® events. Participants in these events are required to run the title sponsor decal, which is a windshield decal that is to be used at the top of the windshield. Vehicles without windshields or with plastic windshields may place the decal on the front of the car in a highly visible location approved by the Chief of Compliance. Decals other than the official Tire Rack® decal, except those required by National Tour Staff, are prohibited on the windshield.
  2. Additional required event decals are one SCCA® (on the front) and 2 CAM decals (one on each side).
  3. A 2D-style barcode is used by National Solo for each competitor's helmet. This barcode should be affixed to the competitor's helmet in an accessible location for scanning at the start line. Any and all other barcodes (SCCA Regional or for other events) must be covered during the event so the National Solo barcode is the only one visible.


  1. Safety Inspections (Solo Rules 3.3.3) should be completed at the event site and will be completed by competitors using a Self-Tech form (Download tech form).
  2. Solo Rules 3.7 Vehicle Identification will be checked. The official Tire Rack decal and tech stickers are the only decals permitted on the windshield.
  3. Drivers should come to tech with completed Tech Forms, helmets and their vehicles should be "race ready" with numbers and class shown on the sides of the vehicle. Tech will provide any required decals.
  4. Competition vehicles that have a required minimum weight (CAM, XS, Street Modified, Prepared, Modified, and Kart) will inform Tech of that weight so the weight and vehicle wheelbase can be posted on the tech sticker. This is to allow other competitors to know the declared minimum weight and to reduce any delays at the scales during event impound procedures, if applicable.


  1. Tech will confirm vehicle identification (Solo Rule 3.7) and helmet barcodes are compliant. The vehicle will not pass tech if not compliant.
  2. Competitors at the start line with the wrong number on their car, 2 sets of numbers, or the incorrect class showing will receive a warning for the first offense, a cone penalty for the second offense, and may receive a DSQ for three or more offenses at the same event.
  3. Competitors at the scanner with more than one (1) barcode showing on the helmet will receive a warning for the first offense, a cone penalty for the second offense and may receive a DSQ for three or more offenses at the same event.
  4. A driver at the scanner or the start line without the appropriate helmet decal (Solo 2025) will be directed away from the start and lose the run.


  1. All competition vehicles will be impounded per Solo Rules 6.10 to assure that competitors have complied with the SCCA National Solo Rules and the Supplementary Regulations for the event. Car information verification will also be conducted in Impound.
  2. Vehicles will be impounded in your assigned grid area. After your last, return to your original grid position, except as noted in section D.7 below. The driver of each vehicle or a designated representative must remain in the grid/impound area near the vehicle during the impound period. Karts will be allowed to be driven to the scales under close supervision by event officials. Impounded vehicles may be held until the results are audited.
  3. Impound officials may inspect cars during impound and may require removing wheels and or components as part of the inspection procedure. Competitors are responsible for performing these procedures as required and for using proper equipment (e.g., jack stands to safely support a raised vehicle). Competitors are responsible for having appropriate rules and documentation of specifications
  4. Competitors may observe but Impound inspectors must not be hindered in their assigned duties by anyone in any way.
  5. Impound does not act on hearsay information regarding competitor concerns. If competitors suspect a rule violation, they should file protests in accordance with the National Solo Rules. Section 8, Protests.
  6. Vehicles under protest will remain in impound. They may be escorted by a designated Impound or Protest Committee official to another location as instructed by the Protest Committee.
  7. Classes that have minimum weights are required to be weighed. It is the competitors’ responsibility to know if their vehicle has a minimum weight requirement.

F. SOUND POLICY: Refer to Solo Rules Rule Appendix H. Sound requirements are strictly enforced.

G. TIMING AND SCORING: Refer to Solo Rules Rule 7

  1. The total score for class competition will consist of the best-timed run.
  2. Scores will be posted. See the event staff to resolve problems. THE TIMING & SCORING TRAILER IS OFF LIMITS FOR COMPETITORS, CREW, AND SPECTATORS unless invited to enter by an event official.
  3. Live timing is available at

Registration Requirement

You must be an SCCA member in good standing to participate. If you are not currently an SCCA member, please visit the SCCA member portal to join or renew.
Registration Policy (after online closes)

Online registration closes at 3:00 pm Central, Tuesday prior to the event.  After online registration closes, you can still register for the event on-site during regular registration times on the day prior to the competition.  Please note, there will be a late entry fee imposed on all on-site registrations.  If the event is already full we will follow the waitlist policy (see below).

Car Number Policy

Car numbers selection will be on a first-come, first-served basis.  Only one- or two-digit numbers will be allowed (i.e., 1 through 99). Exception: Where there are two drivers in one car, in one class, then the second driver MUST be 100 plus the first driver's number (99 and 199). The system does not allow drivers to reserve their co-driver's number. With that, if there is a conflict where someone signs up for a number and someone else who is not the co-driver signs up for the corresponding number, the person that signed up first for either the two or three-digit number is the owner of that combination. If you notice a discrepancy in numbers, please contact Tracy Lewis ( provides the date/time of registrations to determine who registered first and is the rightful owner of the number combination. If desired, drivers of the same car but in different classes (open and ladies) may use the same car number. Drivers of the same car in the same class must submit separate entries. Car numbers above 199 are not allowed at National Solo events.

Cancellation Policy

All cancellations must be made in writing.
Please contact Tracy Lewis ( with questions or to cancel.

Please review valuable information regarding refunds below. 

Partial refunds (SCCA keeps $50) for cancellations IF:
Entrant cancels PRIOR to 7:00 pm Central the day of on-site check-in. 

NO REFUNDS for cancellations IF: 
Entrant cancels AFTER 7:00 pm Central the day of on-site check-in.

If you are sick, please stay home. We appreciate your desire to keep the Solo community healthy.

Waitlist Policy

The Tire Rack SCCA National Solo events (ProSolo, National Tour, CAM Autocross Challenge) are adopting a revised waitlist policy for 2024:

  • The initial entry cap will be set 15 entrants lower than the final cap.
  • When an event hits the initial entry cap, the remaining competitors will be put on a waitlist.
  • Just like the 2023 Tire Rack National Solo season, the waitlist will be published to show the order in which each member is on the list, based on the order of entry receipt and the timestamp listed on the MSR registration. This is the order in which entries will move off the waitlist and into the event when a cancellation is processed. This list does not automatically update in real-time but is rather a report from the registration system that will be run periodically so that those on the waitlist can understand their current position. Given that the list is not updating in real-time, there may be names at the top of the waitlist that have already moved into the event and there may be names that have registered onto the waitlist that do not yet appear.
  • When 15 entrants have registered with the region of record of the hosting region the cap will be increased to the final. If 15 hosting region members have not registered 2 weeks prior to the event the cap will be increased to its final.
  • For entrants on the waitlist, there is no guarantee the entrant will get into the event.
  • As entrants on the entry list cancel, the next person in line on the waitlist will be notified via email that there has been a cancellation and they have now been moved into the event. When that entrant is moved over, they will be required to log into MSR and pay for the event (MSR does not charge waitlisted competitors). The entrant will have 24 hours to pay for the event before that entrant is placed back on the waitlist and the next entrant is put into the event.
  • We will continue to move entrants off the waitlist as we receive cancellations up until the time online registration closes.
  • After online registration closes, we will not update the waitlist online. However, if there is a cancellation after online registration closes, entrants on the waitlist will be contacted in waitlist order to let them know a spot in the event has opened. They will be instructed to contact the on-site event Administrator to claim their spot and remit payment. The waitlist will also be printed and posted in the timing trailer on Friday morning. As cancellations come in during the registration/check-in day, we will try to contact the top person on the waitlist to see if they are available and still want to get into the event that day.
  • At the end of registration on the day prior to the competition, the waitlist will be closed, and no new entries will be allowed into the event.
Onsite Event Registration and Car/Class Changes

For any event that is not sold out, on-site registration is allowed on the day prior to competition. All on-site registrations will be charged the event late fee (see event registration page for pricing). Car and class changes are allowed at check-in on the day prior to competition. Any car or class changes on the days of competition require the approval of the Chief Steward for the event.

  • Lincoln Airpark
    3401 W Luke ST
    Lincoln, NE 68524-2060