Majors @ Summit Point Motorsports Park - Grp 8 SSM (#16-OGR-4386-S) Race 2

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Nope, no announcer today. But we'll have them broadcast (computer gremlins willing) both Sat. and Sun.
Thank you
Is Cliff really in a Gen 2? If so, that's a track record (unofficially).
He's not in a Gen 2. That's for sure.
SRF3 on side of Cliff's car. We'll be doin' some more data entry during the day.
Thanks. Of course, If anyone could do a 1:20 in a Gen 2 it would've been Cliff!
Good Morning from foggy Summit Point! Second qualifying session slated to start at 8am. Heavy mist hanging in the air, but real "rain" not expected during the day ... as of right now's forecast.
Mist has gotten a lot heavier by 9:30am.
Group 1 Saturday race from Summit Point coming up. Races are 25 minutes in length.
Audio is still broken up
Will work on during lunch break.
Also had no live timing had to go all the way out reload ha maybe to many majors going on!
SRF on warm-up lap.
In SRF, Skinner has gotten by Pluta
Much better link to the audio sorry Jim i know you are working hard in there
If you guys in the booth read this, Knoblauch i believe modifies the bodies on the cars and works on the suspension/engines. It was an AMAC chassis but has been customized by Knoblauch it is the fifth itteration of his crazy contraption
Thanks for the back story, Mike.
Morning from Summit Point. It's Sunday, and Mother Nature ain't jokin' 'round today. The light mist has turned to solid rain and the track is drenched. Rain expected thru the morning hours.
So who's ready for some wet racing!! Open-cockpit folks are up first in Group 1 as the rain starts to come down a little harder. Lucky them!!
Currently, all races today are slated for 35-minutes.
... or 25 laps depending on which comes first.
Split start. First group eases way through Turn 1. Second group, FV, a little more on the attack going into Turn 1 with some card darting around.
Voss leading, but Krolowicz has gotten by F5 of Scott Rudolph to give chase.
Morning, Jim! The audio is cutting in and out on my end. Is anyone else having issues?
Not sure there is anything I can do about the audio. Sorry. Coming out fine at track, and not sure our plug-n-play system can be easily configured (or configured at all) to address the issue. Will try again later in the day to find a solution.
Thanks for keeping us updated via chat. Hope you're staying dry.
Yea audio is in and out but fine over PA.
Yeah, sorry about our audio. Don't want to mess with it too much for fear I'll ruin the track broadcast.
In STU, Robert Mazza has taken the lead ... and our hearts with the Mazza Sprarkling wine he supplies for our Majors Victory Circle celebrations.