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Terry Hanushek voted on the poll How are you spending your “social distancing” time? (select all that apply)
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Terry Hanushek disliked the article SCCA Announces Runoffs Championship Appearance Fund
Terry Hanushek liked the article News on Nationals: Rumors and gossip
Terry Hanushek voted on the poll You've got a free weekend. If cost and distance weren't a factor, what SCCA event are you at?
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Terry Hanushek voted on the poll If you live in an area where road racing and autocross can't take place year-round, do you or would you be interested in a winter RallyCross program?
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Terry Hanushek voted on the poll I'm excited for the Runoffs at Indianapolis Motor Speedway as....
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Terry Hanushek voted on the poll The 2017 season is here! You are:
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Terry Hanushek became friends with Peter Schneider
Terry Hanushek registered for 2017 SCCA National Convention
Thursday January 19, 2017 at 12:00 AM
Terry Hanushek posted a comment on the article SCCA Statement on the Passing of Steve Harris, Area 4 Director
Terry Hanushek voted on the poll FormulaV or Spec racer Ford gen2?
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Terry Hanushek voted on the poll You've got a free weekend. If cost and distance weren't a factor, what SCCA event are you at?
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Terry Hanushek voted on the poll The 2016 national competition season is over. What is your first priority leading into 2017?
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Terry Hanushek posted a comment on the article SCCA Statement on the Passing of Brian McCarthy, SCCA Area 9 Director
Terry Hanushek voted on the poll Who Will Win Touring 4?
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Terry Hanushek voted on the poll Who Will Win Touring 3?
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Terry Hanushek voted on the poll Who Will Win Spec Miata?
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Terry Hanushek liked the blog post Targa Southland 2016
Terry Hanushek voted on the poll What's the best part of Solo Nationals
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Terry Hanushek registered for 2016 SCCA Runoffs Presented by Garmin VIRB
Monday September 19, 2016 at 12:00 AM
Terry Hanushek updated his profile
Terry Hanushek voted on the poll If you plan to head to a Championship Event come Fall, would you rather compete to prepare and/or qualify earlier or later in the year?
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Terry Hanushek posted a comment on the event S. Jersey W. David Teter March Lamb National Course/Tour Rally
Terry Hanushek became friends with SPENCER TAYLOR
Terry Hanushek voted on the poll Mash-Up! Pick two SCCA Programs to create one super event!
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Terry Hanushek voted on the poll Mash-Up! Pick two SCCA Programs to create one super event!
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Terry Hanushek became friends with Terri L Zane
Terry Hanushek voted on the poll You've got a free weekend. If cost and distance weren't a factor, what SCCA event are you at?
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Terry Hanushek voted on the poll What's your resolution?
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Terry Hanushek updated his profile