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Jeff Barbee liked the article Giving Back to the Club has Led Joseph Menowsky III from the Driver’s Seat to...
Jeff Barbee voted on the poll What if every day was race day?
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Jeff Barbee voted on the poll I go to SCCA events because:
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Jeff Barbee liked the article Hagerty: Racing a Datsun 510 in Its Heyday
Jeff Barbee voted on the poll Choose your Sports Car of choice:
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Jeff Barbee liked the article Paralyzed Veteran Helps Others Go Racing
Jeff Barbee updated his profile
Jeff Barbee voted on the poll How did you find SCCA?
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Jeff Barbee voted on the poll How are you spending your “social distancing” time? (select all that apply)
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Jeff Barbee liked the article A Closer Examination of a Couple Chief Scrutineers
Jeff Barbee liked the article Presenting the 2021 SCCA Hall of Fame Class
Jeff Barbee liked the article Unconventional SCCA Convention Registration Now Open
Jeff Barbee liked the article SportsCar Feature: Back for More
Jeff Barbee updated his profile
Jeff Barbee liked the article SCCA Runoffs Return to VIR for 2022 and 2023 Events
Jeff Barbee voted on the poll How are you spending your “social distancing” time? (select all that apply)
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Jeff Barbee voted on the poll How are you spending your “social distancing” time? (select all that apply)
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Jeff Barbee voted on the poll How are you spending your “social distancing” time? (select all that apply)
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Jeff Barbee voted on the poll How are you spending your “social distancing” time? (select all that apply)
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Jeff Barbee updated his profile
Jeff Barbee voted on the poll How are you spending your “social distancing” time? (select all that apply)
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Jeff Barbee liked the article SCCA Brings Aboard Seasoned Marketing Manager
Jeff Barbee liked the video FA-FB - 2019 SCCA Runoffs